10 TO 14 SEPTEMBER 2010

"Inside man is happiness," Saint Augustine

 I wish for you: at the start of this ICCFM Assembly

May the Good Lord look at you and surround you.

May the Good Lord always cheer your heart and especially at a time as wonderful as this.

May the Good Lord fill you with peace and joy.

May the Good Lord give you wisdom to understand the ecclesiastical and family life as devotion to something as beautiful as love in the family and society.

May the Good Lord give you innovation to make each of these days of meeting and reflection, work and study, something new, not a sad routine.

May the Good Lord fill you with strength on gray and weary days .

May the Good Lord give you so much love that you do not measure the devotion to our service to society, the Church and family.

May the Good Lord grant you gentleness to love your own especially your family "details of love."

May the Good Lord give you sensitivity to the most needy and marginalized companions, to read in the signs of the times how much you can do for others.

May the Good Lord be your horizon and your source for a better future for you and your own through the constant devotion to the beautiful family ministry.

I wish for you: That God the Father and Mother, recreate your life every day.

That God the Son, heals and cleanses the wounds, that in your path as apostle of the family may have caused you to retreat into yourself.

May God the Holy Spirit, revive in you everything that Jesus told us and left us as a sign of New Life in the family.

May you share the best of yourself with everybody that the Lord puts in your path as an essential part of the evangelist work which the Lord and the Church has entrusted to us.

May you grow in the inner self and in moral Christian values as the most beautiful thing that humans possess.

May you cultivate coexistence and love for your family from which we all receive the best that we have,

I wish that in your beautiful and unique mission of evangelization, you allow and encourage the best personal development to which you have been called by God and do not neglect your integral training.

I wish on this very special day for you, and our Assembly: That all these wishes can be a reality for you and your family. Amen.