Archdiocese of Los Angeles
23 – 29 JULY 2007
Since we joined we have actively participated in almost all the activities that the MFC of the Los Angeles, California Archdiocese offers/offered us.
In January 2005, we were elected First/Head Servants of this group, forming a Team with seven (7) more couples and two (2) priests/clergymen with whom we are working ardently/faithfully to continue disseminating/sowing in the Lord’s Vineyard.
At this time, one of the most important part of the Programme which is the Promotion, is being initiated, being accom-plished within the space of two months in all the parishes where the MFC already exists, and in the parishes which are considering future prospects.
In the MFC of the Los Angeles Federation, the 2006 – 2007 Cycle/Period ended/closed with approximately 450 active couples in 16 Parishes.
During each Cycle, are accomplished/finalized the following activities:
v 11 courses of Premarriage (Pre-Cana) Classes.
v 4 Conjugal/Marriage Encounters/Meetings
v 2 Conjugal/Marriage Reencounters
v 11 Meetings of Internal and Financial Apostolate (Meetings to form and inform the leaders of every parish,
and something that was successfully carried this year, the formation also for the youth and children)
v A Day of Study (a day to continue the formation of leaders of the programme in every parish jointly with fami-lies and friends – open for all interested/willing)
v A PIC-NIC (an acronym?)/picnic (in which all couples with their children, families and friends meet to enjoy games, contests/competitions, dances, sharing food and affection/love).
v Celebrated the Mass of the Sacred/Holy Family.
v Appreciation/Thank you Dinner/Supper for all Spiritual Advisers/Counselors (a supper/dinner in which all are reunited, get to know each other, and (have) exchange/interchange (of) ideas).
v A dinner-dance of welcome for all newly-joined couples.
v Another dinner-dance during spring within March and April.
v Promotional Retreat. A retreat of the third/Tertiary Levels, (a) retreat which helps couples who have finished the Basic Course of Formation in the MFC to continue working for the Kingdom of God.
v A Basic Course to equip/qualify/empower.
Every Secretary convenes/meets with his/her Team whenever deemed convenient and necessary. The
Archdiocesan Coordinating Team (Board of Directors) meet every month and conduct live-ins in December where we live together in a different way/manner to tighten more the bonds/knots of friendship.
We had much/many dreams upon receiving the charge/position/office/post, some of these dreams we have suc-
cessfully carried out, and those which could not be accomplished within the remaining time, we are certain that the
responsible (people) following us will struggle hard/do their best to finish/accomplish these since we believe
that we have transmitted our ideas to the members and they are desirous/eager/longing to continue.
A) How many active
members are there within the MFCLA? – 450 families.
A1) Notable/noteworthy gains/achievements which have enriched the lives of Christian
families (family
We have searched and accepted the contributions of other MFCs, e.g. new ideas to enrich ours.
Leadership in the three levels or stages which includes/counts the MFC, Federation of Los Angeles.
- How
the MFC has worked to evangelize other families:
Aside from the studies of all the themes/subjects/topics, the corresponding/proper/fit(ting) level which en-
deavours to shape/form the conscience/consciousness/awareness is lately being transmitted to new couples.
What actions the MFC has
undertaken for the family apostolate:
Making them aware of their duties/responsibilities/obligations to contribute to the Institution from which they
are receiving benefits. Rendering/Giving (them) quality contributes to/begets quality. Giving/Rendering fair/
gentle treatment so (they) give/render more.
B) List the three most
important activities that have been implemented by the MFC in the last three
Formation through talks with professionals on the matter/subject.
Constant and effective communication with the Leadership
Working assiduously to maintain unity
C) Describe the
Movement’s expansion to new areas
There are new parishes interested in being counted/included in a programme like that of MFC; nevertheless/
however decision has been left with the Bishop or the Parish. The expansion has been granted as if it were out-
side the jurisdiction of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles.
D) Which are the links/bonds having to do with the functions of the Church (national diocese
or internatio-
nal), organizations, related to/connected with the Church, or special organizations, (that are) nonlucra-
The links/bonds MFC has always maintained with the functions of the Church has been that of SERVICE
E) Which are the three most
important family evangelization or ministerial family services in the U.S.A?
The Baptism: creating awareness by means of topics/themes/subjects of studies in the programme of the MFC.
The Confirmation: within the different groups or cells of MFC, is interchanged the experiences of each/every fa-
mily which help others reflect and (take a) decision that benefits the whole nuclear family.
The Sacrament of Matrimony: By means of the themes/subjects/topics of studies in the different levels and of
the pre-nuptial talks, awareness is being created on the importance of this Sacrament and in fact there have been
Communal/Community/Public Weddings as a result of this important way of Evangelization. The other and no less
important way of Evangelization is that of the Sacrament of the Eucharist and without (a place of) doubt the two
(the Sacrament of Matrimony, and the Sacrament of the Eucharist) fall into the account/cases/activities very ne-
cessary/essential (which one makes) in communicating and staying at peace with God and with their own selves/
F) By what manner/means do you sustain yourselves economically in the MFC?
By means of the free and voluntary support of all the members (once a month).
By means of the sales of books and religious ornaments/articles/artifacts/vestments.
G) Suggest
effective means/methods to collect the money/contributions of
the members, of/from pa-
tronized/sponsored projects,
(collection of) funds.
An envelope without name/unmarked is given each couple for them to make/give their share/contribution
and the treasurer or financier of each/every group or cell takes charge of collecting and making it reach oppor-
tunely those entrusted/charged by the Finance Secretary.
This year a raffle of a new automobile was proposed to gather/raise funds and (this) gave/resulted in around
$10,000.00 of gain/profit to continue with the project SEDE (MFC’s own location).
A Parish Zone proposed saving/economizing/raising funds by means of food sales and at the end of cycle/pe-
riod of 2006 -2007 donated to MFC $1,000.00 for the SEDE
H) What do you understand/is your opinion about the
health/welfare/prospects in
general of the MFC
in the U.S.A.?
We opine (a) total harmony among the members when all have matched/equaled the progress/course of the
MFC in the tasks to be done.
I) What are the low-positive, and negative
impacts in the membership?
Negative Impacts: Some couple do not like the responsibility of the Commitment to Service. They just want to
receive but do not like to sacrifice, give or return what (benefits) they have received.
Positive Impacts: The over-all family and conjugal growth at the emotional, psychological, and spiritual level.
Better understanding.
Creating enthusiasm and surrender to the commitment of SERVICE.
Erwin and Nora Lopez