LEONORA   “Nora”     PANLASIGUI




1.      Membership

          A. Name of ICCFM member group



          B. Types of members:

                   _x_   Couples

                   _x_   Families

                   _x_   Solo parents

                   _x_   Widows, widowers

               Number of active families

                   4,000         Families


          C. Frequency of meetings

                   _x_   Every two weeks


          D. Top three family evangelization or family ministry


·        MARRIAGE ORIENTATION (Pre-Cana Counseling): A seminar/workshop for couples about to be married to clarify expectations about married life and develop awareness of the human and spiritual dimensions of Christian marriage. The time for this seminar varies, depending on the plan of the Family & Life Ministry in each parish.

·        TIPANAN: A one-day program to revitalize to revitalize the interpersonal growth of couples for a more lasting relationship (delivered in Filipino or the vernacular of the place).

·        MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER: A week-end seminar (Friday evening to Sunday afternoon) for couples designed to improve and enrich husband and wife relationship. It helps couples rediscover their “couple power” and their responsibilities to themselves, their family and community. It can be a live-in or live-out activity.

II.       List of Actions on the 2004 World Assembly Resolutions

Resolution No.1

We resolve to promote the vision, values and virtues of Christian Marriage and family through prayer: in the family (e.g. meal prayers, Bible study, at family rituals, etc.), in the Church (e.g. at liturgical celebrations, organizational meetings, etc.) and in society (e.g. at civil functions, public gatherings, etc.)

·        Prayers are integral to any activity where CFM members are involved.

·        Completion of a booklet of prayers by CFM Philippines - The Worldwide Prayer Project of ICCFM

Resolution No.2

We resolve to promote the vision, values and virtues of Christian Marriage and family through action: in the family (e.g. family meals, family meetings, family outreach, family education, etc.) in the church (e.g. programs, liturgies, retreats, CFM, etc.) and in society (e.g. dialogue with government representatives on issues such as war and peace, housing, health care, domestic violence, and the dignity of life, etc.

·        CFM Philippines continues to be at the forefront of Family Life Programs in the country. Its Family Life Apostolate Programs are the most comprehensive programs available today to parishes and dioceses. Its formation processes and training programs are being availed of by many groups including those who are not members of CFM.

·        In addition, its continuing education programs on current concerns such as domestic violence, counseling and parenting, servant leadership, etc. continue to be developed and enhanced and are now more widely offered.

·        CFM Philippines is a member of the Private Sector Disaster Mitigation Network

III.      The Present and the Future

A. Most notable country achievements in 2004-2007

·        Enrichment of Christian life (family spirituality)

Forming the Nazareth Institute of Family Formation to offer a basic formation course and continuing formation programs, and thus lending more support to the Church’s thrust in enriching Christian life through the formation of Family & Life Ministries in dioceses/parishes

·        Evangelization of other families (O-J-A)

o       Reaching out to the poor through the formation of units and assisting in creating livelihood opportunities.

o       CFM Philippines shares its Formation Book following OJA  to other family organizations and communities whether in parishes or interparochial.

o       CFM Philippines encourages members to assist in strengthening Basic Ecclesial Communities.

B. One concrete “2007 – 2010 Plan of Action” for the survival and/or  expansion of the CFM evangelization mission in your country.

The Plan of Action includes the following:

·        Program Areas

o       Continuing Programs

§        Enhancing the capabilities for the delivery of programs at the diocesan level

§        More extensive use of media

§        Enhance expansion strategies, formats and activities to attract more couples, particularly younger couples

o       New/Priority Programs

§        Nazareth Institute of Family Formation

§        Programs for the Youth

§        Continuing education programs

§        Programs for families of overseas workers

§        Socio-economic programs

·        Administration and Support

o       Program on chaplaincy

o       Virtual secretariat