Our Identity

The International Confederation of Christian Family Movements (ICCFM) was formed in Caracas, Venezuela in 1966, with the aim of helping its members live their human and Christian vocations and bear witness to the essential values of the family, based upon the Faith as announced by the Gospel and proposed by the teachings of the Catholic Church. The Confederation is composed of three types of members that fulfil the requirements established in its Constitution.

Full members of the Confederation are Christian Family Movements (CFM) which meet the following basic characteristics even though they may be called by other names:

  • 1. They are organized in small groups of couples, families, solo parents, widows, etc., who seek to become genuine family communities and work together with their chaplains to promote mutual growth.
  • 2. They meet regularly, participating in a formative process of Observe, Judge, and Act in the light of God's word.
  • 3. They witness and minister to all families, especially to those in difficult situations such as the suffering and the poor.

Associate members are lay organizations which share the Christian ideals of the ICCFM and which are involved in working for the family. Supporting members are those organizations or centers which share the Christian ideals of the ICCFM and which are involved in the study, research and promotion of the family.


Order of the Vatican (Pontifical Council for the Laity) acknowledges the International Confederation of Christian Family Movements (ICCFM) in 1989.